Evaluation Overview

Evaluation is at the heart of the Mastery Modules program. The program is not a traditional certification/instruction-based course. It’s a journey of autonomous learning and self-exploration culminating in honest appraisals and evaluations of your work by two experts who are well versed in metal clay, design, and jewelry making.

Evaluations are available only if you are participating in the paid program. To help the submission process proceed smoothly, our experts are located in either North America, UK, or the EU. You may choose where you would prefer to send your submissions, although we highly recommend selecting your own country or continent to avoid customs charges. AMCAW cannot be held responsible for any additional fees. Participants who don’t live near one of these locations may send their submission to any of the three.

Evaluation Criteria   

You’ll notice that every challenge description lists five evaluation criteria. These are the only elements that will figure into your final score. Four of the criteria are specific to each, individual, challenge, but ‘Best Practices’ is included in every list of criteria. It refers to the craftmanship that should be taken for granted every in piece. Attention to detail is important. Textures, patina application, joins, etc. must be as precisely finished as possible.

Completion of a challenge submission form also factors into the Best Practices score. Registered participants will find a full description in the Participant Center.

For scoring purposes each evaluation criteria has a descriptive term, (outstanding, very good, etc.)  and a numerical counterpart. Each criteria carries the same weight of importance.

Scoring rates are:

  • Outstanding 10
  • Very Good 8.0 – 9.5
  • Acceptable 6.0 – 7.5
  • Unsatisfactory 4.0 – 5.5
  • Unacceptable 2.0 – 3.5

Work will be reviewed by two artists in either the No. Am, UK, or the EU.

Challenges must score 6 or above in each of the five criteria (total score of 30 or above) to pass the evaluation.

If any of the evaluation criteria score 5.5 or below (unsatisfactory or unacceptable), the work will be sent back to you for repair or revision, accompanied by a critique from the evaluators with a precise explanation of what they felt was lacking.

Re-evaluation and extra complete evaluations

If any challenge projects are returned, you’ll have up to 60 days to revise the work and re-submit. If you’re not able to repair or revise the piece you submitted, you have the option to make something new to re-submit as a replacement. The original evaluation and one potential re-evaluation are included per challenge in the program fee. Note: These are the only evaluations included with your program fee.

If your piece fails to pass the re-evaluation you can opt to pay for another complete evaluation (original evaluation and a re-evaluation). The cost is $125 per complete evaluation (to cover the evaluation costs).

Certificate of Accomplishment

All seven challenges must be successfully evaluated to be eligible to receive the Certificate of Accomplishment in each module/cycle.

Additional Details

  • During our double-blind scoring process, both participants’ and evaluators’ identities remain confidential to protect their privacy.
  • Evaluators have been chosen for their expertise with metal clay, design, and jewelry making.
  • Evaluators will complete a critique of the work giving participants valuable feedback on the submitted challenge projects.
  • Scoring will be as stringent for module one as it is for module four.
  • Registered participants will find a full explanation of the scoring system in the Participant Center.
  • The Certificate of Accomplishment will be awarded only after all seven challenge pieces in a module/cycle have passed evaluation.