Challenge Submission Form
2.3 Glass or Ceramic Object
Challenge Details
Co-fire metal clay with a curved, domed, or otherwise 3D piece of glass or ceramic ware (No cabochons) to create a dimensional design. Examples are glassware, marbles, soda bottles, beads, fragments of a porcelain teacup or ceramic vase, etc. The final object may be wearable, functional, or decorative.
This challenge will require that you become familiar with the melt and flow temperatures of glass or the firing temperatures of bisque or glazed ceramics as they relate to the firing schedules of different types of metal clay. For instance, most glass will not withstand the temperatures needed to sinter copper or other base metals, but ceramic pieces probably will. Take steps to ensure that the appearance of the glass or ceramic element has not been distorted, cracked, or melted during the sintering process.
A photo of the object before it was combined with metal clay will be requested in the accompanying information request.
Best practices
Use of dimension
Choice of object
Stability of setting