Frequently Asked Questions

The Mastery Modules have been designed to help our community fly, to further their practice with metal clay, to be able to create the most challenging and self-satisfying work possible, and to receive the public recognition they so deserve.


Why do two of the options have a fee?

They include evaluations from top artists, and to keep the evaluations completely unbiased, neither evaluator nor artist know who the other is. The fees cover the costs of shipping all the submitted projects to and from evaluators and then back to the artist, plus the evaluators receive a small stipend per evaluation.

What is the difference between the Registration Deposit and Submission Fee?

The registration deposit is 50% of the cost of a module/cycle and the submission fee is the remaining 50% (the balance payment of the module/cycle fee). The entire cost of a module/cycle is broken into these two payments.

To get started you only need to pay the Registration Deposit. The Submission Fee is due before you submit anything.

You will need to pay the full cost of the module/cycle (either $500 for self-study or $650 for guided) before you can submit your challenges for evaluation.

Can I pay the whole fee (registration deposit and submission fee) in one go?

Yes you can pay on the same day.

You will need to register and pay the Registration Deposit first. Then visit the Participant Center and find the link to the Submission Fee.

Complete the Submission Fee form and pay, and that covers the entire cost of the module/cycle.

Can I sign up for this program anytime I want to?

Yes! Whether you choose the Self-Study, or the Guided option you can register any time.

If you are registering for the Guided option, you will have the option to book your first mentoring session directly after completing registration. The mentor calendars are available in the Participant Center, so you are free to browse the dates available and book one to suit you.

Please note: the mentor booking calendar will only show in the Participant Center if you are registered for the Guided option, you will not see the calendar if you register as Self-Study.

Am I required to do all of the modules/cycles?

No, you may complete as many (or as few) as you like.

Each completed module/cycle will be eligible for the Certificate of Accomplishment.

Should I work through them in order?

Not necessarily. They do graduate in skill level, so you might want to complete them in order, or you might rather jump to the module that seems the most interesting and challenging, or choose the Any Seven option. Any choice is ok.

What if I don’t want to officially register to for this program, but like the idea of the challenges?

That’s why all the challenge descriptions are online and available for anyone to read!

Feel free to use any of them as prompts for your own, personal challenge.

Only registered participants are eligible for any of the benefits listed in Pricing and benefits, but if you don’t really feel the need for the evaluation or Certificate of Accomplishment, we’re sure you’ll feel a great sense of pride and feeling of satisfaction as you work on these projects on your own.

We would love to see what you make, if you post pieces on social media please tag us #amcaw-masterymodules

I’m pretty new to metal clay but read that module one focuses on foundation skills. Should I register for this program?

That depends on how new you are and how confident you are in your skill set.

While we do welcome makers who consider themselves ‘beginners’, this program is really not appropriate for novices.

If you’d like to test your knowledge, why don’t you read the challenge descriptions and make one or two projects. If you discover that your skills are up to it, you can always register later on for either the Self-Study or Guided option.

The Cornerstone Collection

What is the Cornerstone Collection?

The Cornerstone Collection challenge is the culmination of the Mastery Modules, available only to those who have completed all 28 challenge projects, and have received four Certificates of Accomplishment.

We are currently developing this final piece of the Mastery Modules program. More information will follow.

Materials and Techniques

What types or brands of clay can I use?
Unless specifically required, you may use any clay type or brand in the completion of your work. The single exception to this is the Metal Clay Paper challenge in module two (at this time only Art Clay is manufacturing paper metal clay).
If I can use any type - can I use base clay for all of the challenges?

Yes! Every challenge in the entire program bar one can be made with base metal clay if you wish.

A few will be difficult due to some of the techniques and materials the program requires, but theoretically everything except for the Metal Clay Paper challenge in module two can be made with base clay.

Can I use more materials than the description requires?
Yes, you may add/use whatever additional design details, techniques, or materials you would like in order to complete the design to your own satisfaction.
If I’m trying out a material or technique I haven’t used before, is there anything I should know?

Some challenges in the Mastery Modules call for techniques that you might be unfamiliar with such as soldering, bezel setting, glasswork, hinges, etc.

If the module you’re working on requires an element that you don’t feel comfortable with, start to familiarize yourself with it before you begin to create a design.

Don’t experiment with an important design before you really understand how the new technique may work. Always do a test run of any new process, you might need to make a project more than once before you create something you’ll want to submit.

I can’t find one of the required materials in my country. What should I do?

We understand that some artists may not have access to every material or product that the challenges require.

If you are having trouble finding a resource for any of the challenges, please contact us or your mentor and we’ll be glad to help you trouble shoot.


If I am given choices in a jewelry challenge, can I make something other than earrings, rings, or necklaces?

You bet!

Many of the challenges leave the choice of the final object up to the participant, and we encourage you to think outside the box to create some of the more uncommon wearable objects such as belt buckles, armlets, and hair accessories.

Can I submit a piece that I was taught in a class?

Designs must be original.

Although any skills and techniques may be utilized in the creation of the challenges, you may not directly copy or replicate any instructor’s exact design, whether publicly shared online, in a classroom, or published in print.

I've already made something that is exactly like what one of the challenges is asking for. Can I use that instead of making something new?

You’re welcome to submit existing work if it fits all the requirements for the challenge (including everything listed on the challenge submission forms).

My piece looked different after firing than it did when it went into the kiln. Why do you think that happened?

Metal clay fabrication techniques (like layering, co-firing milled metal, using two different brands of clay in the same piece, etc.), firing options (time and temperature), or the idiosyncrasies of a specific clay type, may affect the way metal clays shrink or interact in the kiln. Be sure to test, test, test before you start to work on a piece you’re planning to submit.


What are evaluations?
We use the process of double-blind evaluations. Neither our evaluators nor the participants will be able to be identified by the other. This ensures that your work receives a fair and un-biased assessment.

Go to Evaluation Overview for more details about evaluations and the process.

After you have registered you can access a detailed Evaluation and Scoring page (via the Participant Center), where you can find all the information you need about our scoring system.

What’s an Evaluation Criteria?

Each Challenge has been assigned five unique criteria that relate to the required skills, materials, and craftsmanship listed in the project description.

These are the only aspects of your work that will be used to evaluate the finished piece. If necessary, you’ll be asked to repair, revise, or re-make any piece that didn’t comply.

Go to Evaluation Overview for more details about evaluations and the process.

Can I get evaluations if I'm just following along on the Unregistered Self-Study free program?

Unfortunately not! We pay our evaluators for their time so evaluations are only available to those on the paid program.

If you start working on the challenges as an unregistered participant, and then decide you would like to get evaluations and achieve the Certificate of Accomplishment, you can register, pay the fee and submit your challenge pieces immediately as long as you have completed all seven challenges in the module or Any Seven cycle.

How do I know who’s evaluating my work?

You won’t! and the evaluator will also not know whose work they are evaluating. It’s all anonymous so that you’ll receive honest, open, unbiased feedback and advice. The evaluators change from time to time, and projects will be rotated among evaluators as we receive them so you are likely to have different evaluators for each full submission.

How will I know what the evaluators thought of my project?

Evaluations will be accompanied by clear notes and comments by each of the Evaluators, explaining their thoughts and decisions.

What does ‘Project to be revised and re-submitted’ mean on the evaluation form?

If a piece you have submitted receives a low score in the one of evaluation considerations, you’ll have the opportunity to refine or repair it. The checkbox is just an extra reminder (in case you didn’t notice the score that was assigned).

Will I still get my Certificate of Accomplishment if I have to re-submit something?
Yes, but the Certificate and other benefits will be withheld until the requested revisions have been submitted and successfully re-evaluated.
How many times can I correct the same piece?

Your program fee includes one re-evaluation per challenge, so you will get the repaired / revised piece re-evaluated once at no additional cost.

If the piece needs further revising, you can pay for another evaluation. See more information on the Evaluations and Scoring page.


How much time can I take to complete the challenges in each module?

The Registered options have submission due dates of nine months from the time of registration.

Can I send each project in after I finish it?

No. Each submission package should be complete, and contain seven challenge projects, before you send it in for evaluation.

How long do I have if I’m re-making a project that got a low score?

If any of your submissions are returned for revision or repair, you have up to 60 days to re-work all indicated pieces and ship them back to your local administration office for an initial re-evaluation. The due date time period begins on the day the tracking information indicates the package has been delivered back to the participant.

Note: The date on the packing slip must reflect that the re-submission(s) were sent on or before the due date.

If your re-submitted work fails to score 6 or above for a second time, you can buy an additional set of evaluations consisting of a new evaluation and one re-evaluation for $125.00 (to cover the additional costs) if it becomes necessary. This set of re-evaluations is good for one submission only, but you may buy as many sets as are needed.

If a piece with a low score has to be fixed, do I have to re-send all seven projects in the Module, or just the one that was asked for?
No. You only have to revise and re-submit that one piece.
What can I do if I realize that I won’t be able to submit all of my projects by the deadline?

Deadline extensions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Contact us to request a new deadline.

What happens if I don’t formally request an extension?

This program has many components for the administrators to consider and requesting an extension would be common courtesy.

If you don’t ask for an extension at least two weeks before the due date, you’ll forfeit the full registration fee.

Contact to request an extension.

Individual Help and Mentors

If I’m unregistered and working on my own, how do I get help with the projects?

There is a wealth of information available online, starting with AMCAW’s Learning Center. If you’re an AMCAW member, you’ll find many of the techniques included in our step-by-step tutorials. There are also many excellent videos available on supplier sites and on YouTube.

I want to register but might need help with some of the challenge requirements.

You can work through any of the modules with the help of a mentor by choosing the Guided option at registration.

If I take the registered program, how do I get help if I’m having trouble with a project?

Once you’re registered, you’ll be invited to join a private Facebook group with other registered Mastery Module artists. You can also email us at Registered self study participants can also take advantage of Ask a Mentor, an on-demand service that allows you to purchase a one-time, personal consultation with an expert in a zoom call of up to 30 minutes. You can book multiple sessions, and each session costs $30 for the instructor fee. Registered guided participants have 7 zoom sessions with experts, which gives you one-on-one help.

How will working with a mentor be different than working on my own?

The opportunity to work with a mentor has been provided to help you be as successful as possible.

Mentors are not acting as instructors and won’t teach you any specific techniques, but they will be available to review, critique, and offer suggestions right up until the time the work is fired, finished, and ready to be submitted.

The mentor and I might talk about some things I’d rather the evaluators not know. Are these talks confidential?

We respect your privacy and nothing you discuss with your mentor will be shared with evaluators or taken into consideration when evaluators receive your work for final scoring.

Can I get help if I haven’t chosen the guided option?

Of course! If you registered for Self-Study, we’ve created a low-cost ‘Ask A Mentor’ service for detailed help with a specific challenge you may be having trouble with. You can read more about it here.

As you’re looking over the descriptions before you register, try to make sure you won’t need extra help on more than one or two challenges. Otherwise, it might be more economical to choose the guided option from the start.

What if I don’t need a really detailed answer? Can I ask a quick question?

Any questions that can be answered with a simple, one-or two-line answer can be emailed to:

If the admin answering your question thinks it needs a more in depth answer, they’ll refer you back to Ask-A-Mentor.

References and Research

Where can I find helpful information on techniques or materials I’m not familiar with?

The AMCAW website has a terrific Learning Center with many detailed articles and links to videos.

The tutorial collections, virtual guild meetings, and blog are also super helpful and easy to access. And, as long as you’re a registered participant, you’ll have access to a private peer group on Facebook where either a mentor or your peers can help problem solve.

What about aspects of jewelry making that AMCAW may not have any information on?

Google and YouTube are your next best friends.

Cyber space knows almost everything – but remember that the internet and books live forever. Always check the publication or posting dates to make sure the information is up to date. If it was written or recorded a long time ago, check contemporary sources and modify any details that need updating.

Is there any other advice you’d give me?
  1. Watch or read more than one source when learning a new technique. Different makers/instructors will have different working practices and you may find that one in particular or a combination of more than one will help you become proficient. 
  2. Read through the challenge descriptions before you start on a project. Make notes of all required aspects so you don’t forget anything, especially work-in-progress photos.


What does ‘best practices’ mean?

Basically, it’s about the demonstration of good craftsmanship, and the completion of the information requests. It’s an evaluation criteria which will factor into each challenge. There’s a complete definition here.

What are ‘challenge requirements’?
The challenge requirements are the processes’, materials, and/or design prompts you must include in the project. These are outlined in the challenge descriptions of every module.

They include aspects such as: how many of a particular item you must make; the minimum size the item must be; any materials you may NOT use; what is needed for the challenge submission forms; etc.

Where can I find definitions of other words or phrases that I don’t understand?

The Glossary defines many words as they apply to this program.

If you are still unclear about anything after you’ve read through the definitions, ask your mentor, or contact


Once the seven challenges I’ve submitted have been successfully evaluated and I receive a Certificate of Accomplishment, can I list that on my artist resume?

Absolutely! Just as a pilot’s certification shows that he’s mastered the skills to fly a particular airplane, the certificates for each successfully evaluated submission show that you’ve mastered a level of metal clay skills. Just think how proud you’ll be to be able to say you’ve successfully completed all levels of the Mastery Modules!

I want to submit a photo for the gallery, but I can't find the submission form

The opportunity to submit images for the gallery is offered only to those who have completed a full module or cycle and hold the Certificate of Accomplishment for that module.

If you have received a Certificate of Accomplishment, go to the Participant Center and look for Photo Submission Guidelines.

I have a general question, who do I ask?

We would be happy to help you, please email us at

How many forms will I need to complete?

There are three types of forms that must be completed before each set of submissions can be accepted.

  1. Every challenge in the program is accompanied by a Challenge Submission form, which requests specific information or photos related to each, individual challenge. This form can be completed and submitted online.
  2. When you’re ready to send the submissions you’ll need to fill out the Module Completion form, which requires a photo of the tracking form and shipping company (USPS, Fed Ex, Royal Mail, Post NL, etc.) receipt. This form can be completed and submitted online.
  3. You will also need to include a Packing Slip in the shipping box when mailing your submissions. It includes spaces for your name, return address, email, date and has a checklist for information on the module and identifying challenge numbers for the work in the package. This form must be printed and included in the shipping box.

You will also need to pay your Submission Fee before submitting anything.